Because death at the hands of a shadow means becoming one, places plagued by the creatures are either already desolate ruins, or else quickly become so once enough shadows have infested the area. Shadows sap strength from the living in an effort to feed their dark hunger and satisfy their eternal desire to touch the world once again. They attack any living creature they encounter. Shadows are barely intelligent and have nothing but hatred of the living to motivate them. Necromancers have long seen the value of relatively weak, pliable, and unambitious undead servants-especially incorporeal ones. Yet while such spontaneous transformations do occur, the vast majority of shadows are instead created by magic.

The bandit who unemotionally slits her victims’ throats because it’s convenient, the petty diplomat who orders a witch burning to cover up his adulterous affair, and the miserly headmaster who lets orphans starve to save a few coppers all make good candidates for becoming shadows. On their own, shadows arise from the souls of greedy but lackluster evildoers-those whose crimes are heinous, but who lack the rage of a spectre or the exultation in evil often found in wraiths. They look like pitch-black shadows without physical bodies, floating weightlessly. Shadows are the spiritual remnants of those who have perished in a place corrupted by Shadow, making them common in regions veiled in darkness and lacking in light.