
Assassins creed brotherhood
Assassins creed brotherhood

While the maxim presents itself as akin to a doctrine, it is in reality a value-neutral epistemic claim about nature that the Assassins hold to serve as the bedrock to developing an independent, critical, and open-minded value and belief system. Their political philosophy is enshrined in the Creed, consisting of a maxim and three core tenets which serve as their principal prescriptions. As the etymology of the term assassin, their traditional methods have revolved around stealth operations, selective violence, and the assassination of those deemed to be perpetrators of oppression under the belief that this minimizes collateral damage in accordance with their absolute prohibition against harming innocent lives. The Assassin Brotherhood, also known as the Assassin Order and originally as the Hidden Ones, is a secret global peacekeeping organization dedicated to protecting humanity from abuses of power, coercive rule, and injustice.

Assassins creed brotherhood